Senate Passes Legislation to Establish resultsny.gov Website
Website Would Increase Accountability of State Government Agencies
The New York State Senate today passed legislation (S.3657), sponsored by Senator Joseph Griffo (R-C, Rome), to create a new website, ResultsNY.gov, that would enable the public to review the performance of government programs to see how effectively agencies are spending tax dollars. People visiting the site could also submit their own suggestions and recommendations on how to stop government waste and reduce state spending.
The ResultsNY.gov initiative is patterned after the Federal Office of Management and Budget's ExpectMore.gov website. This proposal would establish a new, user-friendly website that provides the public – at the touch of a keyboard – with the ability to review government expenditures, as well as the performance of State government agencies and programs in areas including the economy, education, public safety, energy, health, housing, and the environment.
"We're moving toward a way where state agencies can show New Yorkers those programs that work well, those that need improvement, or those that need to be overhauled or eliminated," said Senator Griffo. "A website created to this end would be a good start. ResultsNY.gov could be that website to illustrate where metrics mean money, namely taxpayer money, was being spent well."
“With millions of middle class families tightening their belts to overcome tough economic times, taxpayers have every right to demand that their government operates as openly and efficiently as possible,” said Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos. “This common-sense legislation will help New York overcome the fiscal challenges we face, while also providing taxpayers with a more transparent, accountable, and efficient government.”
While many State agency websites provide useful information regarding certain programs and initiatives, few provide access to objective, comparative data that enable taxpayers to accurately assess the performance of government agencies and programs. In contrast, ResultsNY.gov would provide detailed information on agency budgets and program expenditures, and would include a heavy emphasis on comparative data and statistics to show how the State is performing regionally and nationally.
The site would also include an interactive feature that would enable members of the public to submit suggestions and recommendations on how to save taxpayer money, help eliminate wasteful spending, and operate government more efficiently and cost effectively.
The bill was sent to the Assembly.