Former Governor David Paterson's Aide, David Johnson, Joins "Fully Persuaded for Children and Families"

Eric Adams

January 3, 2012

David Johnson, long time aide for former Governor David Paterson, held a press conference with Rev. Al Sharpton and a group of women ministers and elected officials to announce an initiative that Mr. Johnson will lead to speak with inner city youth about how to avoid some of the pitfalls that can harm their future aspirations.

Mr. Johnson announced his joining "Fully Persuaded For Children and Families," a non-profit organization that focuses on responsible decision-making and conflict resolution for improved family structures in our society.

David Johnson states, "After seeing my career as a top advisor to the one time Governor come to a halt because of an alleged domestic violence complaint, I want to share my experiences with young people so that they can avoid similar mistakes."

Click NY1 and the Daily News to view additional coverage of this story.