Senator Maziarz Announces Partnership to Help Fund Trip for World War II Veterans to Washington DC

George D. Maziarz

June 29, 2012

Senator Maziarz is pleased to announce a partnership with Walmart, who have provided $20,000 in funding to take World War II Veterans to Washington DC to visit the World War II Memorial.  The funding provided will cover the entire cost of the trip so that it is entirely free for Veterans.  This will be the fourth trip the Senator has taken to Washington DC, which will be on October 17th.  While there, the Veterans visit the World War II Memorial, Vietnam and Korean Memorials, and Arlington National Cemetary.  

"I cannot thank Walmart enough for providing this funding for another trip to Washington DC for World War II Veterans," said Senator George D. Maziarz.  "This trip allows those who so greatly served our country a chance to see the memorial that honors their fallen brothers and sisters.  I am honored to be a co-sponsor of this trip and to be able to help provide this opportunity.  The funding that Walmart has provided these veterans is something that they nor I will ever forget."