Senate Passes Bill to Improve Health and Safety of Dogs and Cats Sold by Pet Stores

Hugh T. Farley

June 21, 2012

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) announced that he and his colleagues in the New York State Senate recently gave final legislative passage to a bill (S7268A), that will ensure improved health and safety of pets sold in stores. The Senate took up the bill on New York State Animal Advocacy Day at the Capitol, where legislators and animal advocates network, share ideas, and lobby for stronger anti-cruelty laws.

Dogs and cats that are sold by some pet stores receive inadequate exercise, veterinary care, and protection from the spread of disease.

This legislation will provide that any licensed pet dealer must:

· Designate a veterinarian to care for the animals at the facility, who will be available for emergency, weekend and holiday care, as well as regular visitation;

· Develop a program to prevent, control and respond to diseases and injuries;

· Provide an isolation area for animals that exhibit symptoms of contagious disease or illness in order to prevent or reduce the spread of disease to healthy animals;

· Designate an employee to provide daily observation of all animals to assess their health and well-being;

· Maintain a daily exercise plan for dogs;

· Vaccinate as required by the state or local law all animals;

· Not sell any animal that has been diagnosed with a congenital condition or contagious disease.