Senator Farley Reminds Employment Seekers of Job Express Website

Hugh T. Farley

January 12, 2012

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) informs constituents of a website designed to help New Yorkers who are seeking employment.

The NYS Labor Department's " Express" website takes thousands of jobs listed on the New York State Jobs Bank and sorts them by region to help job seekers evaluate what industries are growing in their area and find out what opportunities are available in specific economic sectors.

To visit Jobs Express, visit

For further employment resources, there are 88 public One-Stop Career Centers across New York where job seekers can go for additional free services. These services include job search and placement assistance, skills assessments, resume help, labor market information, career planning and training assistance. Job seekers can also meet with employment counselors to devise a career plan that fits their individual needs and skills. Locations and contact information on those centers are listed at the website