Senator Martins Congratulates Swimming Champion Aaron Buissereth
Jack M. Martins
March 27, 2012
- Local Government

State Senator Jack Martins congratulated Sewanaka Central High School District Swimming Champion Aaron Buissereth on his sensational victories in county meets throughout this swimming season this past week. Buissereth qualified for the Nassau County Championships and has posted some outstanding wins capturing 1st place six times in the 200 freestyle and winning the Metros Silver Championship for the 100 meter breastroke. Aaron is a member of the class of 2014 at Elmont Memorial High School where he is a high achieving student and involved in volunteer activities. "It was a great honor talking to Aaron and hearing about his outstanding acheivement. He trains hard and is an outstanding student. There is absolutely no question that we will be hearing alot more about Aaron's acheivements in swimming and community involvement in the future. He makes Elmont and the Sewanhaka Central High School District proud," said Senator Martins.