Senator Martins Wishes Commander Nolty a Safe and Speedy Return

Jack M. Martins

May 24, 2012

Senator Jack M. Martins wished Commander Matthew Nolty a safe return during a farewell tribute at the Notre Dame School in New Hyde Park. Commander Nolty is being deployed to Afghanistan. He and his wife Caroline have three children - Brendan, Bridget and Diedre.

Senator Martins thanked Commander Nolty was his service and wished him a safe and speedy return.

Prayer for the Navy

Eternal Lord God, you along spread

out the heavens and rule the raging sea.

Take into your most gracious protection

our country's Navy and all those who serve therein.

Preserve them from the dangers of the seas and from

the violence of the enemy, thay they may be

a safeguard unto the United State of America,

and a security for such as sail upon the seas

in peaceful and lawful missions.

In serving you, O Lord, may our sailors

serve their country; through

Jesus Christ, our Lord.
