Senator Seward Scores Big With Business Leaders

James L. Seward

August 22, 2012


ONEONTA, 08/22/12 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I-Oneonta) has received top marks from a pair of leading business groups, the Business Council of New York State and Unshackle Upstate.

“Fostering private sector job growth, especially through the expansion of our small businesses, has been and will remain one of my top priorities,” said Senator Seward.  “I have worked hard to bring savings to our businesses by cutting government red tape, delivering meaningful tax cuts, and providing tax credits.  These initiatives, in turn, help businesses expand and mean more people are earning a paycheck.”

Senator Seward’s score of 94 was the top score issued by Unshackle Upstate.  Seward’s score of 90 from the Business Council of New York State was the top mark for state senators.  The scores are based on each legislator’s voting record on key business issues.

Brian Sampson, executive director of Unshackle Upstate said, “These scorecards provide a clear picture of which senators and assembly members are working to promote job growth and strengthen our economy.  Our hope is that hard-working taxpayers and employers will see their legislators’ grades and start a discussion with their network of friends, family and colleagues.”

Heather Briccetti, president and CEO of the Business Council of New York State said, “The pro-business momentum we saw in the 2010, 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions needs to continue in order for New York to regain its economic strength.  In November, business leaders and all New Yorkers can use the Voters’ Guide to identify and support legislators who are committed to a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda.”

“Reestablishing a true business growth climate in New York State has been a leading focus in Albany and the results are clear.  We have cut state spending, reduced taxes and promoted job creation.   Additional measures that would further enhance these goals have passed the senate and if the assembly would follow suit, more success stories would be realized,” Seward added.

The senate passed legislation to implement the 2012 New Jobs-NY Job Creation Plan.  The senate’s comprehensive plan would provide tax relief to small businesses and manufacturers, reduce energy costs, and enact major fiscal reforms to make New York state more economically competitive.

The senate also overwhelmingly passed legislation sponsored by Senator Seward that would eliminate all business taxes on manufacturers (S.7663).

“Every new job created helps our state’s economy, helps strengthen a community or a neighborhood, and most importantly, helps a family improve its quality of life here at home.  That’s why this legislation is so important to me,” concluded Seward.  
