Seward Applauds Passage of Senate Budget

James L. Seward

March 12, 2012

ALBANY, 03/12/12 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) today commented on passage of a senate budget resolution for fiscal year 2012-2013:

“Passage of a senate spending plan is an important step toward final enactment of an on-time state budget that controls spending, cuts taxes and includes vital job creation tools.  The plan closes a $2 billion deficit and builds on last year’s success.

“The senate budget resolution cuts taxes on businesses and provides incentives to hire new employees – steps needed to accelerate private sector job growth in New York state.

“The plan also restores $200 million in aid for needy, rural school districts.  This, coupled with already agreed upon increases translates to a total education aid package that is $805 million higher than a year ago.

“I am also pleased the plan includes assistance for our senior citizens.  Under the senate budget plan, the EPIC program is made whole and seniors eligible for the enhanced STAR program will receive $275 million in direct property tax rebates.

“The senate plan also means mandate relief for local governments, including an acceleration of the governor’s plan to freeze the growth of the local contribution to Medicaid.  That means less pressure on local property taxes.

“The next step in the process is open, public conference committees with the state assembly, negotiating with the governor, to come to a final budget agreement by the April 1 deadline.”
