Seward Starts Fine Tuning State Budget
James L. Seward
February 3, 2012
- Budget
ONEONTA, 02/02/12 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) has been named to two key senate budget sub-committees which will review the governor’s budget proposal and offer recommendations for modifications. Senator Seward will serve on the health sub-committee and the education sub-committee.
Regarding his health subcommittee assignment Senator Seward said:
“A number of important issues are included under the health heading – a state takeover of Medicaid, creation of a health insurance exchange, and funding for vital public health programs,” said Senator Seward. “Ensuring the public’s needs are met while keeping state spending in check will be a primary focus.”
Regarding his education subcommittee assignment Senator Seward said:
“I have made clear my position that New York’s public education aid formula doesn’t add up for our rural, low-wealth districts. As a member of the education subcommittee I will continue to advocate for changes that will benefit our students and property taxpayers.”
The sub-committees are an early step in the budget process and a pre-cursor to joint senate/assembly conference committees which, in concert with the governor, develop a final spending plan.
The senate and assembly recently released a joint budget development schedule that, for the first time, sets deadlines that lead to an early adoption of a state budget. The agreed-to legislative budget schedule for 2012 is as follows:
On or before
February 29 Joint Revenue Forecasting Conference
February 29 Senate/Assembly Fiscal Committee Economic & Revenue Reports Released
March 1 Revenue Consensus Report
March 12 Senate & Assembly budget actions
March 13 Joint Senate/Assembly budget conference committees commence
March 19-20 Final Report of Joint Conference Committee
March 19-22 Joint Legislative budget bills taken up by Senate & Assembly
“By enacting an on-time state budget for a second straight year, the legislature will send a strong message that our fiscal house is in order and Albany is functioning. That signals to the business community that New York is moving in a positive direction and will lead to the creation of private sector jobs and a better overall economy,” Seward concluded.
Complete, in-depth budget information can be accessed by following the “Get The Facts - 2012-2013 Executive Budget Proposal” link.
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