Sen. Klein Announces Winners to “Best Of Morris Park” Poster and Mural Contest
Jeffrey D. Klein
March 23, 2012
Ten Students Selected as Winners Throughout Local Schools
MORRIS PARK, BRONX, N.Y. – Senator Jeffrey D. Klein was joined by community, merchant and educational leaders today to announce the winners of his “Best of Morris Park” Poster Contest. The contest was announced throughout the community in the fall with students encouraged to submit artwork showing pride in their community this year.
Students will now work with an artist funded through the Bronx Council of the Arts to recreate their poster concept on a wall on the overpass between Bronxdale and East Tremont Avenues. The site is currently prone to large levels of graffiti vandalism and an eyesore at the entryway to the Morris Park community.
The following students were selected as winners:
· Anthony and Joseph DellaCamera of St. Clare of Assisi, who will be doing the "Best of Morris Park" text along the Mural.
· Alyssa Rodriguez of PS 108 and Josette Rivera of St. Clare, who will be doing the Racetrack theme for Morris Park History. The design will be completed with students of St. Clare School.
· Alyssa Guerra of St. Francis Xavier, who will be working on her presentation of Morris Park Pride.
· Nancy Leon of PS 83, who will be working on a portrait of her school PS 83 as part of Morris Park Sites. The design to be completed with students from PS 83.
· Silda Neza, Elisa Ilieva, and Roger Cheng of PS 108 who will be working on their shared portraits of the Morris Park Columbus Day Parade The design of which will be completed with a class of PS 108 students.
· Taina Soler of Van Nest Academy, who will also be doing a second design of the Columbus Day Parade. The design to be completed with Van Nest Academy students.
“I’m thrilled with the energy and enthusiasm from the many Morris Park students who responded to this beautification project,” said Senator Klein. “Through their artistic expression, we will transform this blighted intersection into a source of community pride.”