Senate Passes Bill That Would Increase Penalties for Leaving the Scene of a Boating Accident

John A. DeFrancisco

June 21, 2012

Senator John A. DeFrancisco announced that his bill (S3760), which would stiffen penalties for persons leaving the scene of a boating accident without making a report, passed the New York State Senate.

“A few years ago, Central New York experienced two boating tragedies, and in both cases, the victims of the accident were left dead or dying.  There is always a possibility, had the victims been rendered aid, they could have lived,” said Senator DeFrancisco.

The bill would increase the penalty to an A misdemeanor for a first offense of leaving the scene of a boating accident when a person knows or should know that there has been an injury to another person.  A second offense within five years of the first offense would be an E felony.

The bill also would stiffen the penalties for the crime of leaving the scene of a boating accident, which resulted in property damage, without reporting it. A first offense would be a B misdemeanor, and a second offense committed within twenty-four months of the first offense would be an A misdemeanor.  If a third offense is committed, and all three offenses are committed within twenty-four months, then the third offense would be punished by an E felony.

“People should be responsible for their actions, and know that if they try to avoid responsibility, there should be real consequences,” concluded Senator DeFrancisco.

The bill has been sent to the Assembly and is awaiting approval by that body.