Senator Serrano Joined Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer for his Back to School Festival in East Harlem

José M. Serrano

September 7, 2012

Senator Serrano joined Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer at his Back to School Festival in East Harlem. The festival provided parents and children with plenty of fun and informative activities geared towards education. Attendees of the event received free health screenings and information about District 4 Public Schools, Child Daycare Services, and College Prep services.

It is great to see the community come together and kick off the school year with this event,” said Senator Serrano. “This festival provides an opportunity for parents to speak with representatives from their children’s school and gather the appropriate information to ensure their children's success in the coming school year. Many residents may not have become familiar with all of the resources provided here had this fair not taken place. I would like to thank Borough President Stringer for organizing this wonderful event."