Senator Addabbo’s Statement on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Budget
Queens, NY, January 18, 2012 – NYS Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. (D-Queens) released the following statement today regarding Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Budget:
While our state may not have found its way out of the woods yet when it comes to its fiscal problems, I believe Governor Cuomo has delivered a credible way of how to find its way there. The Executive Budget is the starting point for debates and discussions on how to address the fiscal demands of the state and simultaneously protect the essential services it provides for the people.
During the state’s budget process over the next two and a half months, I will work on many related issues such as supporting our senior centers through Title XX funding, protecting the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) budget, and the hydrofracking issue. I will also continue my efforts on restoring the funding of those entities that have not received financial support in my district ever since local discretionary monies were eliminated in the state budget two years ago. Credible youth programs, schools, community groups, senior centers and veterans organizations have suffered greatly due to the lack of local state funding.
Since our state budget is largely comprised of taxpayer dollars, I encourage all residents to call my office with any questions on the budget process.
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Judy Close, Press Secretary
NYS Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.
15th Senate District - Satellite Office
66-85 73rd Place
Middle Village, NY 11379
Ph: 718-497-1630
Fax: 718-497-1761