Griffo Says Thruway Going Wrong Way on Toll Increase Proposal

Joseph A. Griffo

June 4, 2012

Griffo: Thruway Toll Increases Wrong; Authority’s Actions Show Need for Change

(Utica) - Senator Joseph A. Griffo (R-C-IP, Rome) today strongly criticized the State Thruway Authority for considering a proposed 45 percent increase for trucks on the state’s major east-west transportation artery. He said that the action, which would be a severe blow to Upstate efforts to revive the economy by growing jobs, provides a new impetus for efforts to convert the authority into a state-operated department.

“As a senator whose district includes a major transportation and distribution center, I am disappointed that the Thruway Authority hasn’t taken into consideration what this business sector represents economically and the negative impact by this 45% increase on the industry. This action undercuts the message of economic growth we have been trying to achieve. I call upon the Authority to publicly drop this idea now, before it gets any more discussion and hinders the state’s image of trying to reform and become business friendly,” Griffo said.

“If the Authority understood the realities of the economy of Upstate New York, it would be rolling back tolls instead of increasing them. When policy is so disconnected from the needs of the business community and is counterproductive for the economy of not only my district but dozens more, it is a sign that there is no vision behind decisions, simply a need to feed a revenue-grabbing authority that has shown it needs to be reigned in and reformed.”
