Senator LaValle Resolution Honors Volunteer Firefighters

Kenneth P. LaValle

May 15, 2012

LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION honoring and recognizing the heroism and commit-

ment of local volunteer firefighters in fighting the wildfires in the

Towns of Ridge and Manorville, New York, in April 2012


WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and honor

those distinguished citizens who would volunteer to devote themselves to

public service, demonstrating great courage and diligence in providing

for the care and welfare of the citizens of their communities and this

great Empire State; and

WHEREAS, Within every community of the State of New York there are

certain individuals who, by virtue of their commitment and dedication,

command the respect and admiration of their community for their exem-

plary contributions and service on behalf of others; and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to honor and recognize

the heroism and commitment of local volunteer firefighters in fighting

the wildfires in the Towns of Ridge and Manorville, New York, in April

2012; and

WHEREAS, Our unsung heroes, the volunteer firefighters of New York

State are everyday committed men and women who leave their families and

jobs at a moment's notice and run fearlessly into the face of fire to

keep our communities safe and protect their neighbors; they are renowned

throughout the Nation; their reputation is synonymous with excellence in

the arduous field of fire protection and prevention; and

WHEREAS, In April 2012, raging wildfires in the area encompassing the

towns of Ridge and Manorville, New York, affected over 1,124 acres,

making the fire among the 10 largest fires in New York State since 1975;


WHEREAS, Working under very difficult and dangerous conditions,

approximately 200 firefighters from about 35 local area fire departments

battled the April 2012 wildfires in Ridge and Manorville, New York, with

20 brush trucks, 10 tankers and 10 engines; and

WHEREAS, Volunteer firefighters and fire departments not only provide

the critical service of fire protection but also engage in other activ-

ities of great benefit and importance to the communities they serve; and

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that those dedicated

public servants who unselfishly devote their lives to the preservation

of order and the protection of others are worthy and due full praise for

their commitment and noble endeavors; and

WHEREAS, It takes a special dedication, a strong desire to help others

and a tireless sense of community to forsake precious time with family

and friends to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need; those

volunteers who heroically responded to the wildfires in the Towns of

Ridge and Manorville, New York, in April 2012, are such firefighters;

now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to

honor and recognize the heroism and commitment of local volunteer fire-

fighters in fighting the wildfires in the Towns of Ridge and Manorville,

New York, in April 2012; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-

smitted to the aforementioned volunteer firefighters.