Smith, Scarborough Introduce New Legislation Which will Send a Serious Warning to Illegal Gun Carriers

Malcolm A. Smith

August 24, 2012

For Immediate Release: August 24, 2012
Contact: Tai White | | 718-454-0162(w); 917-683-1274 



Smith, Scarborough Introduce New Legislation Which will Send a Serious Warning to Illegal Gun Carriers


(St. Albans, NY)- Today's shooting is an unfortunate reminder that there are too many guns on the street. While my heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families of today's senseless shooting near the Empire State Building, something must be done. Yesterday, I officially introduced Senate Bill 7843 which indiciates to individuals illegally possessing guns that their actions will not be tolerated.


The bill, which will be sponsored by Assemblyman William Scarborough in the state Assembly, will increase the penalty for simple possession of a firearm from a class A misdemeanor  to a class D felony which carries with it a minimum of 5 years in prison.


 “This summer has underscored the absolute necessity of aggressive gun measures,” said Senator Smith. “ Whether or not the shooting today involved an illegal gun, the fact remains that guns are in people’s hands and they are using them. We need to send a clear message in this state and to the people of New York City, that if you have a gun in your possession and you shouldn’t have it, you are going away.”


Assemblyman Scarborough said, “We need a comprehensive approach through new legislation as well as through new gun detection technology.This bill underscores the need for sticker gun laws in this city and state, especially because of all of the gun violence plaguing this city as most recent as today. "