Statement From Senator Malcolm A. Smith, RE: Teacher Evaluations

Malcolm A. Smith

June 21, 2012

Statement From Senator Malcolm A. Smith
RE: Teacher Evaluations
I have attached the Teacher Evaluation Bill for your review which provides for public disclosure of the final quality ratings composite and effectiveness scores of teachers and building principals. This bill affords complete transparency to parents and allows for them to get information by phone or  in person from their child’s  principal.
“ It was imperative that we get this matter on the floor before the close of session. It will afford parents more transparency with regard to the quality of educators in their children’s classrooms, while protecting the precious rights to privacy that all citizens deserve. It was necessary that we take appropriate means to protect our children at all costs, regardless of how “politically charged” this issue has been. I applaud Gov. Cuomo for ensuring that this matter receive the attention  it deserved.”
Please review the attached bill on teacher evaluations.