New York State Senate Passes Grisanti’s Bill Criminalizing Concealment Of Human Corpse

Mark Grisanti

April 30, 2012

Senator Mark Grisanti (R-60) today announced that the New York State Senate has voted to pass the Bill S.6489 which makes it a crime to conceal a death by knowingly moving or otherwise hiding a human corpse so that discovery of the death will be hindered.

The bill known as “Amanda Lynn’s law” would make the commission of this crime a D Felony up from a misdemeanor for the improper disposal of a dead body.

“I am pleased that the Senate has voted to pass this law in honor of Amanda Lynn.  Current law is totally inadequate for the seriousness of the crime of improperly disposing of a human being.  With the passing of Amanda Lynn’s law anyone who attempts to move or conceal a body in the attempt to hinder its discovery will find the full weight of the legal system thrown at them,” said Senator Mark Grisanti (R-60).

In January 2009, Amanda Wienckowski’s frozen body was found outside the New Covenant Church naked and stuffed inside a garbage tote.  The exact cause of her death has been disputed ever since and one key issue has been the location where her body was found.  It is believed that her corpse was moved from the original crime scene.