Senator Grisanti’s statement on Governor Cuomo’s 2012 State of the State Address

Mark Grisanti

January 4, 2012

Sen. Grisanti will continue to be bipartisan and put people first, not politics.

"I look forward to continue working with Governor Cuomo, the Senate and the Assembly during my second legislative session.  I will continue to put people first, not politics as we carry on our momentum from our first legislative session. I again have no problem crossing party lines to do what is right for Western New York, not downstate special interest groups."

"Additionally, I applaud Governor Cuomo who realizes the potential Western New York has. By investing $1 Billion into Western New York, this should attract businesses to come to our area. As I stated a few weeks ago when I introduced Governor Cuomo at the University of Buffalo, I introduced him as “Western New York’s new best friend” he has certainly lived up to that expectation."

-Senator Mark Grisanti, 60th District