SKM Group donates $50,000 to help fight cancer

Mark Grisanti

July 11, 2012

SKM Group, a full-service marketing communications agency, recently announced that it has donated $50,000 to cancer-related causes throughout the country.

The donation was a result of $25,000 the agency raised through various fundraising efforts and community events in 2011-12 and $25,000 SKM committed to match.

“I knew it was a pretty ambitious goal, but I continue to be impressed by the generosity of the community, our partners and our clients,” said Susan K. Meany, President.  “This was no exception. Our team dove into this with such enthusiasm and creativity, and it’s been so rewarding to see all of our hard work come to fruition.”

When SKM celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2011, Meany opted to skip the usual party or special event and honed the company’s resources on a cause she witnessed firsthand when an employee was undergoing cancer treatments.

SKM reached its goal through various means, such as selling cupcakes and glowsticks at community events, participating in bike rides and walks and reaching out to its partners. 

“We really hustled, it was a lot of work,” said Meany, “but it was also a lot of fun and we participated in some great events, met some fantastic people.  The team really enjoyed coming together to support this great cause.”

The announcement took place at the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, which provides free accommodations to out of town cancer patients who come to Buffalo for treatment. The American Cancer Society, Eastern Division, received the majority of SKM’s donation locally.

“The SKM Group is leading by example in truly making an impact on the fight against cancer.  The American Cancer Society is beyond grateful for the funds and awareness raised through their celebration of this huge milestone of 25 years in business,” said Gretchen Leffler, Regional Vice President of the American Cancer Society, Eastern Division.

Support for SKM reaching its goal came from elected officials as well. 

“SKM Group has shown true dedication to their community and to those who are undergoing the fight against cancer. Where many organizations would have chosen to celebrate a 25th anniversary with a party for themselves, the team at SKM instead opted to make a difference in the lives of those who are fighting a difficult battle.  For this, I commend them and applaud their service, self-sacrifice and generosity.  I wish them 25 more successful years in business,” said Senator Mark Grisanti (R-60).

To officially wrap up its yearlong endeavor, and publicly announce reaching the goal, representatives from SKM Group and the American Cancer Society came to Hope Lodge today, where they helped to plant some flowers and lay mulch in the backyard garden there, as well as install a permanent reminder of SKM’s support for the American Cancer Society.  A. Gnome, who has his own Twitter account @gnomefindsahome, held the place of honor among the greenery, where he was joined by two of his pointy-hatted friends and a custom-made plaque with a quote from poet Walt Whitman: “Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.” 

“It gives me great pleasure to help SKM raise awareness about such an important cause,” said Gnome. “I look forward to many happy years here at the garden at Hope Lodge, although I might need some earmuffs and a scarf in the winter.”

Twitter followers kept up with A.Gnome’s activities and musings as he arrived in Buffalo a few weeks ago for what was supposed to be a short trip.  Coincidentally, SKM’s agency mascot is Skomer, a playful gnome used to reward team members for going above and beyond their duties in a creative twist on the traditional employee of the month awards.

“The story is that A. Gnome is a bit of a traveler, a ‘gnome-mad’ if you will,” said Meany.  “He ended up loving Buffalo so much that with Skomer’s help, A.Gnome was able to find a permanent home with a very special group of people.”