Working to create new jobs for Western New York

Mark Grisanti

March 12, 2012

Throughout 2011, I partnered successfully with Governor Cuomo to reduce state spending, cut income taxes for the middle class and cap local property taxes.

In 2012, we need to keep New York moving forward by overcoming the most critical challenge we face – creating new jobs.

That is why I am pleased to announce a comprehensive plan that will create thousands of new jobs in communities all across New York State.
My 2012 New Jobs NY Plan includes:
   ·   a 2% cap on State spending;
   ·   a moratorium on new taxes and fees:
   ·   new incentives to get businesses hiring again;
   ·   a 20% tax cut for local businesses;
   ·   a major new energy tax cut; and
   ·   middle class tuition relief.

For more information on my jobs plan, click here.

Upon passage in the Senate, I look forward to working closely with the
Governor and my counterparts in the State Assembly to help make these important measures a reality. New York has come a long way in the past year.  By working together, I have no doubt that we can accomplish even more – especially in the key area of
job creation and economic growth.

I will continue to put people first, and not politics while I govern in Albany.

- Mark–Working-to-Create-New-Jobs-in-Western-New-York.html?soid=1104293819410&aid=lEEIH1aTNfw