Elected Officials to Mta: Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Toll Increases Not Going Our Way

Martin J. Golden

December 17, 2012

Senator Golden, Congressman Grimm and Assemblywoman Malliotakis Call on MTA Chairman Lhota and Board Members to Reject Toll Hike Proposal


Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn), Congressman Michael Grimm (R-C, Brooklyn, Staten Island) and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R-C, Brooklyn, Staten Island) this afternoon have authored a letter to Metropolitan Transit Authority Chairman Joseph Lhota, and all MTA Board Members, urging them to oppose the plan to raise tolls on the Verrazano-Bridge at the December 19th Board meeting.


In the letter, the elected officials wrote, “In these difficult economic times, the last thing New Yorkers need is the burden of additional travel expenses. The proposal now before

the MTA will further strain the budgets of millions of New York’s families and cause a loss of revenue for countless businesses. This proposal is not only misguided, it is something New

Yorkers are not willing to accept.”

The complete letter is attached.