Senator Golden asks you to consider nominating a youngster to be one of "Frankie's Heroes".
The Francesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation, (www.FrankiesMission.org), a non-profit serving pediatric cancer patients nationwide, will host an event to celebrate children and teens who demonstrate outstanding qualities and values toward bettering the lives of others and their community.
The inaugural ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 24th, and will take place at New York City Events-Dyker Beach Catering. The proceeds will benefit the Foundation’s mission of assisting the pediatric cancer community.
The Board of Directors of the Foundation, and event chairman, Richard Rizzuto, are encouraging the community to nominate children and teens who:
*Engaged in a generous and selfless act that has made a significant difference in the life of another person or persons.
*Demonstrated resilience and courage during a difficult challenge that led toward inspiring others.
The Foundation was founded by Camille Orrichio Loccisano in honor and memory of her teenage son, Frankie, who valiantly fought and succumbed to cancer. He was determined to launch his own foundation to help other children once he reached a cure. Now, in Frankie’s spirit of giving and helping others, the foundation actively, directly and responsibly offers financial support to children and their families while they are undergoing life-saving treatments that are critical to their care and survival. What began as a grass-roots effort by the family and friends of Frankie is now an organization that has grown to help children nationwide.
Camille Orrichio Loccisano said of her son, "Frankie made this world a better place through his sincere efforts and care for others. That is what makes a hero. He also had an appreciation for good people who did good things. Now, in his memory, we aim to applaud young people who exemplify such values. There are children and teenagers out there who deserve the recognition and gratitude of the community. We are determined to find those youngsters.”
As The Board of Directors of the Foundation and a dedicated committee are preparing for the inaugural ceremony, sponsors, both corporate and local, are sought to participate. Sponsors will benefit from very wide event recognition while demonstrating social responsibility. For more info on sponsoring “Frankie’s Heroes”, contact Richard Rizzuto at 917-560-8503.
The Foundation is especially calling upon the community to nominate youngsters to be one of “Frankie’s Heroes.” Please send one detailed paragraph to info@FrankiesMission.org. Explain why your nominee should be one of “Frankie’s Heroes.” Include name, school, grade and age of child. Include your name, phone number and relationship to child.
For more event information, call 917-496-7534. The Francesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation is a 501 ©3 non-profit organization; donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.