Senator Golden Calls on the U.s. Department of Energy to Open Petroleum Terminal in Brooklyn and Others Closed Since Sandy

Martin J. Golden

November 10, 2012

Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is calling upon the United States Department of Energy to open the 8 New York area petroleum terminals, including the Motiva Terminal in Brooklyn, to help alleviate the gas crisis facing New Yorkers.


Senator Golden is citing a report issued by the Energy Department’s Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability, issued this afternoon, highlighting terminals shut in Bayonne (HESS), Linden (CITGO), Newark, (HESS AND MOTIVA) Tremley Point (PHILLIPS 66) and Long Island (MOTIVA).


Senator Golden stated, “The United States Department of Energy must answer to the people who are growing more and more frustrated with every passing hour as to struggle to gas up your car. Why are these terminals still closed almost two weeks since Hurricane Sandy? As the lines continue to grow at gas stations throughout Brooklyn and New York City, it is time that we get a straight answer as to the delay in gas deliveries to stations throughout the five boroughs and beyond.”


Golden continued, “In the last week, my office has received countless calls from Brooklyn residents asking for help to locate gas to get to work, the doctor, school and more. If the terminal in Brooklyn, among others is closed, how can we guarantee that the availability of gas will be getting better anytime soon? The people have been patient long enough and it is time to resume normal gas delivery operations in New York.”


The Situation Report issued by the United States Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability can be found on the U.S. Department of Energy website at
