Michael F. Nozzolio
September 7, 2012
- Taxes
In recognition of his continuing efforts to support job growth, cut taxes and control spending, New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio has been named one of the top “Jobs Supporters” in the entire State Legislature by organizations dedicated to job growth and business development in New York State.
Senator Nozzolio received the highest grades and rankings from both the Business Council of New York, and Unshackle Upstate, as part of their 2012 analysis of all state legislators’ voting records.
“New York’s private sector small business owners, job creators and entrepreneurs are the engine for economic growth in our State and Nation,” said Senator Nozzolio. “In these troubled economic times it is more important than ever to work closely with Governor Cuomo and my colleagues in the New York State Senate to take decisive action to get New York State moving in the right direction and create a more favorable environment for job-producing businesses to grow. It is an honor to receive this recognition from the Business Council and Unshackle Upstate for my efforts to grow jobs and make New York more competitive for job growth. I am more determined than ever to continue my fight to grow jobs, cut taxes and revitalize the Upstate New York’s economy.”
Senator Nozzolio was recognized by both the Business Council and Unshackle Upstate for his continuing efforts to grow jobs and create opportunity in New York State by supporting legislation to cut spending and reduce taxes for New York families. These important steps to create a pro-growth environment and a stronger economy for all New Yorkers include:
• Controlling Spending- Over the last two State Budgets. My Senate colleagues and I have eliminated nearly $13 billion in combined deficits entirely through cutting wasteful spending- NOT by raising taxes or fees. In fact, this year we delivered the first State Budget in decades to reduce overall state spending each year, for two years in a row.
•Working with Governor Cuomo, my colleagues and I saved hardworking taxpayers millions of dollars over the past year by significantly reducing the Senate’s operating and staff costs. According to a recent biannual expenditure report, the Senate has cut its spending by over $11 million in the last year.
• Cutting Taxes for NY Families- In 2009, when New York City legislators controlled State government, they forced through a disastrous 2 % surcharge on utility bills that has cost families and businesses over $1.2 billion. The Senate proposal which I supported, would repeal this outrageous, job-killing energy tax and save the average New York family $614.48
• New Job Creation Tax Credit- This comprehensive plan would offer incentives for employers to expand their workforce by establishing a tax credit of up to $5,000 for every NEW job created, and up to $8,000 if the job is filled by someone who is collecting unemployment. The plan also helps New York's brave servicemen and women find job opportunities by creating an enhanced credit of up to $10,000 to any business that hires a veteran returning from military service.
“These job creation initiatives have set the groundwork for New York State to be competitive once again and will encourage private sector businesses to invest and create jobs here in New York. Now, we must build on this success and take the next steps to continue the economic recovery of our state,” Senator Nozzolio said. “I look forward to working with the Business Council and Unshackle Upstate, as well as job-creating small businesses throughout upstate New York to build a better future for our young people, friends and communities.”
Both The Business Council and Unshackle Upstate measured state legislators based on their voting records on a variety of bills and the budget. Points were awarded for votes on bills that would help businesses and taxpayers. Unshackle Upstate also awarded points for sponsorship of positive bills and subtracted points for sponsorship of harmful bills. Senator Nozzolio sponsored multiple bills to grow jobs and help taxpayers, and he did not sponsor any bills deemed harmful by either group.
The Business Council of New York State is the largest advocacy group for small business in New York State, supported by more than 3,000 members that provide jobs for over 1 million New Yorkers.
Unshackle Upstate is a non-partisan, pro-taxpayer, pro-economic growth, education and advocacy coalition made up thousands of individuals, small businesses and trade organizations from all across Upstate New York.