Dear Friend,
I am pleased to provide you with a printable version of “2012 Fishing Facts for New York Marine Recreational Fishermen.” This publication reflects the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC’s) recently adopted marine recreation fishing regulations.
Please note that the seasons and recreational size limits referred to in this publication are sometimes changed by state regulation. Be sure to check DEC’s Marine Fishing Regulations for the very latest information.
For your convenience also please find a printable version of DEC’s “New York State Recreational Marine Fishing Registry” brochure that describes the importance of the no-fee registry and the vital information collected from registered saltwater anglers for the purpose of conservation. Visit DEC’s website for answers to frequently asked questions regarding the registry, or register online now.
If you would like additional printed copies of “Fishing Facts,” contact my office at 669-9200 or email me at ojohnson@nysenate.gov.
With best personal regards, I remain
Very truly yours,
Owen H. Johnson
Member of the Senate