Civil Air Patrol Cadets Visit State Capitol

Owen H. Johnson

January 13, 2012

Senator Owen H. Johnson met with members of the Colonel Francis S. Gabreski Cadet Squadron from the Long Island Group of the New York Wing of the Civil Air Patrol Color Guard.  The Color Guard presented the colors at the opening of Senate Session at the State Capitol on January 9, 2012.

The Civil Air Patrol is the volunteer, non-profit auxiliary of the United States Air Force.  The Civil Air Patrol provides emergency services to the people of the State of New York, including forest fire protection, disaster relief service, guaranteed communications and aircraft emergency assistance.  In addition to these essential emergency services, the Civil Air Patrol also encourages activities to help develop young people into responsible citizens, which is primarily done through its phenomenal Cadet Program.

The Cadet Program, designed for young adults ages 12 through 18, aims to develop essential life skills and instill values including teamwork, personal integrity, leadership, respect, and self-confidence.