New York State May Owe YOU Money!

Owen H. Johnson

February 29, 2012

Dear Friend:

You may be entitled to some of the over $10.5 billion in unclaimed funds in New York State.

For your protection, banks, insurance companies, utilities, investment companies and many other businesses are required by State law to surrender inactive accounts to the State. These accounts are known as "lost," "abandoned," or "unclaimed" funds.

A simple internet search is all it takes to see if you are eligible and there is no charge to search or file a claim to recover unclaimed funds. To see if you have any unclaimed funds, visit: or click on the "Search Now" image below.

As always, if you have any questions or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact my office at (631) 669-9200.


Best regards,

Owen H. Johnson
Member of the Senate