Talented Artists From West Islip Elementary Schools Chosen To Display Artwork At State Capitol Exhibit

Owen H. Johnson

April 3, 2012

Senator Owen H. Johnson met with three talented young artists from West Islip Elementary Schools at the State Capitol on March 14, 2012. 

Brianna Compitello from Bayview Elementary School, and Sydney Krawchuk and Tyler Foran, both from Westbrook Elementary School were chosen to display their artwork at the 22nd Annual State-wide New York State Art Teachers Association 2012 Legislative Student Art Exhibit:  A Celebration of Young Artists.

“It was a pleasure to meet with such talented young artists from West Islip, and I congratulate them for being invited to show their wonderful artwork in this celebratory exhibit,” Senator Johnson said.

The students’ artwork was chosen for the exhibit by West Islip Art Teacher Jill Culver, a member of the New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA).  Her decision was based on each student’s attention to detail, and the skills and creativity used in producing each piece.

Photograph left to right:   Brianna Compitello, Bayview Elementary School; Senator Owen H. Johnson; Sydney Krawchuk, Westbrook Elementary School; and Tyler Foran, Westbrook Elementary School.