Thank You Beach Cleanup 2012 Volunteers! Another Big Success!

Owen H. Johnson

September 19, 2012

This year, Beach Cleanup 2012 was held on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at Robert Moses State Park, Field #2 from 10:00 AM until Noon. Hundreds of volunteers combed the beaches and collected over 2000 pounds of debris!  For the 26th year, Beach Cleanup 2012 was another big success!

“Thank you to everyone who came out for Beach Cleanup 2012,” Senator Johnson said.  “We had a wonderful response again this year.  Over 345 volunteers gathered a ton of  garbage from the beach and helped raise awareness about the harmful effects of littering and dumping on our shores.”

The data collected will be compiled by the American Littoral Society and sent to the Ocean conservancy in Washington, D.C., where it will be analyzed and compared with data from around the world. The information is used to develop national and international programs and policies to control debris so that our beaches will remain clean and safe. It is also used by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to evaluate the effectiveness of existing laws and programs to prevent debris from washing up in the first place.

The Long Island Beach Buggy Association and the Long Island State Park Region cosponsored the event. In addition, numerous conservation organizations, sportsmen’s groups, and Girl Scout and Boy Scout Troops from our area participated. 

To print a copy of the group photograph taken at Beach Cleanup 2012, please click on the attached pdf file at the bottom of this page.

This year at the Beach Cleanup, non-perishable food items were collected to donate to the local food pantries where supplies have been badly depleted.