Ritchie Cosponsors Dna Database Expansion Bill

Gov. Cuomo's Plan Will Help Solve Crimes, Ensure Justice
State Senator Patty Ritchie today hailed Senate passage of a bill she cosponsored that will expand New York’s “DNA database” to help keep neighborhoods safer by helping police solve more crimes.
The measure, S.5560A, is supported by Governor Cuomo, and would require law enforcement agencies to collect DNA samples upon conviction for any crime, whether a felony or misdemeanor. Right now, police can only collect samples from certain felony level offenders.
“The DNA database has proven itself to be the greatest crime fighting tool for law enforcement since the discovery of fingerprints,” Senator Ritchie said. “The DNA database has helped police solve over 10,000 crimes, 3,500 sexual assaults and 900 murders. Expanding it will help solve even more crimes.”
The database has also helped exonerate 27 people who had been wrongly convicted.
Governor Cuomo made the DNA database expansion one of his legislative priorities this year.