Senator Rev Ruben Diaz: It’s Time to Support Stop and Frisk

Ruben Diaz

July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

For Immediate Release



Senator Rev Ruben Diaz: It’s Time to Support Stop and Frisk


New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) has released the following statement in response to the fatal shooting of 4-year old Lloyd Morgan who was killed in the Morrisania section of the Bronx during a basketball game.

“I wish I could find a way to offer some comfort to the family and neighbors of 4 year Lloyd Morgan. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

We cannot allow the killing to continue. We cannot allow the violence to continue. We cannot continue to tell parents of innocent victims “I’m sorry and I feel your pain,” while practically giving criminals and thugs carte blanche to continue with these shootings.

I understand that there are many people that will not go along with my decision to support the Stop and Frisk Policy but if the Stop and Frisk policy can make a difference, then we need to realize that it’s time to support Stop and Frisk, and that a life such as little Lloyd Morgan is worth more than anyone feeling discomfort by being stopped and searched by the police.

For further information, please contact Senator Rev. Diaz at (718) 496-4793.