What You Should Know

Ruben Diaz

June 26, 2012


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

Tel. 718-991-3161

Senator Diaz Unites with Senator Storobin Against Same-Sex Marriage

You should know that the newly elected Senator David Storobin from Brooklyn has introduced his first piece of legislation, Senate Bill S7712-2011 to repeal gay marriage in New York State.

Senator Storobin was sworn into office two weeks ago after defeating New York City Councilman Lew Fidler in the closest election Brooklyn’s history has ever seen.

As the Senator who has taken the lead to oppose gay marriage in New York, I thank Senator Storobin for giving me the opportunity to join him as a co-sponsor to this historic and pending piece of legislation.

You should also know that so far – as of today – it is only Senator Storobin and me who support this legislation. It will be a difficult and uphill battle. Nonetheless, our struggle will continue as we work to get 30 more Senators to join us. We are not giving up.

As the saying goes, it isn’t over until it’s over!

I am Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.