What You Should Know

Ruben Diaz

June 29, 2012


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

Tel. 718-991-3161


Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Calls for A Thorough Investigation

Adriano Espaillat should have known that before he conceded on Tuesday night, that there were many uncounted ballots that might have declared him the winner.

It is unbelievable and incredible that despite the extremely low voter turnout, the final tally to decide who actually won the Democratic Primary race between Senator Adriano Espaillat and Congressman Charlie Rangel (and two other candidates) continues to change.

According to today’s media reports, there are 3,174 affidavit ballots for New York’s Primary Race in the 13th Congressional District, 776 from the Bronx and the rest mostly from the 72nd Assembly District in Washington Heights.”

How can it be that on election night there was a 6.6 percentage gap showing Charlie Rangel was the clear victor, and now, two days later, we hear that all the votes have not been counted, and as the remaining votes are being counted, Congressman Rangel is now only leading by a mere 1,000 votes and still 30 machines have not been counted yet?

We need to know what actually transpired with the Board of Elections and the candidates for this race. How can it be that two days after the Primary, things are such a mess?

Is this how a democracy functions?

Will this mean that from now on, candidates will have to wait two or three days before conceding the seat or do we have to send the people from the board of elections to a counting and additions course?

This calls for a thorough investigation!

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.