What You Should Know
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
No Matter How You Spin It, This Has Been a Big Loss for Gay Marriage
You should know that since the New York State Democratic Primary has come and gone, people are trying to spin the results in different ways.
As you know, gay marriage became law in New York thanks to four Republican Senators - Stephen M. Saland, Roy J. McDonald, James S. Alesi, and Mark Grisanti - who dared to jump ship and join the Democratic Senators who voted for gay marriage. Because of their votes on gay marriage, the four of them suffered defeat, near loss, and embarrassment. Their votes on gay marriage may very well decide a shift in power in the State Senate.
Out of the four Senators, James Alesi’s and Roy McDonald’s votes for gay marriage have ended their careers.
Senator Alesi, after seeing the polls and the writing on the wall, decided not to pursue re-election and dropped out of the Senate race. The reason is because of his vote in favor of gay marriage. He knew he’d get beaten up.
Senator Roy McDonald lost his primary because of his vote for gay marriage.
Senator Saland won the Republican Primary but suffered badly – an embarrassment for sure. He almost lost the Republican Primary because of his vote for gay marriage. Yes, he was defeated at the Conservative Primary.
Senator Grisanti won his Primary race, not by much, but he's still not out of the woods. He has to face a Conservative Party Candidate and a Democratic Party Candidate in the General Election and he may lose ... all because of his vote for gay marriage.
So no matter how you spin it, the facts are the facts: two out of four Senators who voted for gay marriage are out of commission.
Here in the Bronx, even though no one may be talking about it, I supported three State candidates and one Judicial candidate based upon their positions on gay marriage.
Luis Sepulveda won the Democratic Primary by a large margin. Mark Gjonaj won his Democratic Primary, and even though you can spin it to say that he won because of accusations against Naomi Rivera for possible misuse of taxpayers’ money, he won with my support which I gave him well before any scandals made it to the press. I also, supported Manny Tavarez, a political unknown, without campaign funds, who ran for the first time and he got 30% of the vote – not bad for a beginner. Judge Fernando Tapia was supported by me, and he will become a Bronx Supreme Court Judge.
And now, as the General Elections take place, I plan to see how many people will cross party lines, especially in the Hispanic community, and not vote for Democrats, not vote for Republicans – and see how many votes we can bring to the Conservative Party line. Whatever it is, you can bet that the Conservative Party line in New York City will get more votes than ever before.
Spin it any way you want, but to all the gay marriage supporters and to all who listened to the promises and the bragging about what would take place after the gay marriage vote passed – especially Senators Stephen Saland, Roy McDonald, James Alesi, and Mark Grisanti: “You all suffered a big loss.”
I am State Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.