S. 3022 Funeral Procession

Shirley L. Huntley

March 1, 2012

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
March 2, 2012
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | arodrigu@nysenate.gov |(518) 455-3531


Senator Huntley Passes Legislation Prohibiting Disruption During a Funeral Procession

Law making it illegal for a drive of motor vehicle to interfere with a funeral procession

Senator Shirley L. Huntley (D-Jamaica) announced that the New York State Senate passed legislation, S. 3022, which prohibits the disruption of a funeral procession by making it illegal for a driver of a motor vehicle to unreasonably interfere with the orderly movement of a funeral procession.

“A funeral procession is the time when the deceased is being transferred from a church, synagogue, or mosque to their final place of rest,” explained Senator Huntley.  “And at such a sensitive time, we do not need to have a careless accident of a family member or a friend of the deceased who are on their way to say their final good-byes.”

Under the new law, it would be illegal for a driver of a motor vehicle to enter the space of two vehicles traveling single file in a funeral procession in a way that unreasonably interferes with the procession.

“This legislation puts the minds of New Yorker’s at ease,” Senator Huntley concluded. “The passage of this bill will go great lengths in mitigating any interruption and ensure everyone’s safety during a very disconcerting time.”

This bill is awaiting action in the Assembly.