Senator Saland's Statement on State Budget Progress

Stephen M. Saland

March 15, 2012

Early Budget Adoption Anticipated

The Senate and the Assembly have begun to pass budget bills two weeks prior to the April 1st deadline which marks the beginning of a new fiscal year.

Agreements were reached on the DNA databank expansion, pension reform, teacher evaluation plans, and the expansion of casinos. We continue to work toward a resolution on the remaining budget issues and as language is drafted and printed, the Senate and the Assembly will vote on the remainder of the State Budget.

Keeping our commitment to adopt a budget that contained no new taxes, the Senate and Assembly are scheduled to vote on a budget that delivers more aid to schools, reduces overall state spending and creates a mechanism for private sector job creation.

While I am pleased that we will adopt a timely budget, it is more important that we achieve a balanced fiscal plan that closes the budget deficit without shifting additional costs to municipalities, schools or the taxpayers. By working together in a bipartisan fashion, we are fully committed to seeing New York turn the corner.