August Brings Bad News For Criminals in New York State

William J. Larkin Jr.

August 3, 2012

For many New Yorkers, the beginning of August means long hot summer days, catching a ball game with the kids, or maybe taking a family trip to the beach or mountains. 

For New York's law enforcement professionals however, the beginning of August also brings a major and welcome new change in our State's criminal justice laws.

That's because August 1st, 2012 was the effective date of the new "ALL-CRIMES DNA LAW," which dramatically strengthens and expands New York State's crime-fighting DNA database. 

Under the new law, which I was proud to support in the Senate, thousands of additional criminals will have to submit a DNA sample upon their conviction.  This will provide police officers and district attorneys with the additional tools they need to help solve hundreds of unsolved "cold-cases," while also preventing thousands of future crimes from occurring.

In particular, this landmark criminal justice reform will assist our law enforcement professionals in tracking down and punishing rapists and sexual predators -- getting them off the streets and putting them behind bars where they belong.

This is a huge victory for all New Yorkers who are concerned about protecting our communities and keeping our loved ones safe and free from harm.  It's also another excellent example of how much can be accomplished when New Yorkers work together toward a common goal.