Newburgh Legislation Moves Out of Senate Committee

William J. Larkin Jr.

January 30, 2012

Larkin Bill To Allow City To Establish An Administrative Tribunal Heads To The Senate Floor

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) announced that legislation, Senate bill S.3959, to allow the City of Newburgh to establish an administrative tribunal for parking infractions has been voted out of the Senate's Local Government Committee and sent to the Senate floor to await action by the full Senate.

"This legislation is vital for Newburgh financially," said Senator Larkin.  "There are millions of dollars at stake and the City desperately needs the ability to recoup these monies.  I am confident the Senate will pass this legislation and it is up to the Assembly to assist the City by passing this bill and allowing it to go to the Governor for his signature," said Larkin. 

The legislation is currently on third reading in the Senate.