Senator Larkin Named to New Library Committee

William J. Larkin Jr.

January 27, 2012

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) announced that he has been named to the new Senate Select Committee on Libraries.  The committee is a 19-member bipartisan body that is authorized to conduct meetings, conferences and public hearings, to gather information and to make recommendations on library-related legislative proposals.

"I am thrilled to be a member of this new committee," said Senator Larkin.  "Libraries have always been extremely important to me and I am excited to have this opportunity to serve on a committee devoted exclusively to their needs.  I look forward to working with my local libraries to ensure their voices are heard on this new committee," said Larkin.

New York State has 74 library systems, with over 7,000 libraries total when academic, school and special libraries are included.  They maintain nearly 250 million volumes and circulate over 160 million items per year.