State Senator Adriano Espaillat Lauds Gov. Cuomo and Legislative Leaders for swift passage of NY SAFE Act

Adriano Espaillat

January 14, 2013

State Senator Adriano Espaillat Lauds Gov. Cuomo for swift passage of NY SAFE Act 

New York's new gun control measures passed by the legislature - the first state in the nation to take up such action following an onslaught of recent tragedies - helps pave the way for the toughest gun regulations in the country

(New York, NY) "I strongly commend Governor Cuomo for his leadership in enabling the passage of these strong measures through the legislature, and I am proud to have cast my vote in support of their passage.  

"Today's measures take on a wide range of important issues, including a renewed and broadened ban on assault weapons; limit on the capacity of magazines to seven bullets from ten; creates a statewide registry of permit owners; requires universal background checks on those purchasing ammunition; requires re-certification of gun permits every five years; increases penalties on those convicted of gun crimes; as well addresses vital mental health services. These new measures will go a very long way towards making our streets safer here in New York.

"I congratulate my colleagues and Gov. Cuomo on this accomplishment and look forward to a successful legislative session ahead where we advance the cause of all New Yorkers."


-          State Senator Adriano Espaillat

