More Than 82,000 Job Openings Available on Jobs Express Website

Andrew J Lanza

October 4, 2013

Employers Applaud State’s Site as a Way to Find Qualified, Ready-To-Work Employees

Senator Andrew Lanza today announced more than 82,000 positions are available on New York State’s Jobs Express website. Jobs Express connects job seekers to openings in each Region of the state and currently lists an average of 51,000 new jobs each month statewide.

The Jobs Express website takes thousands of jobs posted by employers and sorts them by Region to help job seekers evaluate what industries are growing in their area and find out what opportunities are available in specific economic sectors. Job seekers and employers interested in learning more should visit the Jobs Express website at

Thousands of people have been hired by companies that posted openings on the Jobs Express website since it launched in October 2011.

Statewide, the highest numbers of available jobs are in the fields of: Sales and Related positions; Management; Office, Clerical and Secretarial; Computer and Mathematical; and Healthcare Practitioner and Technical.

Thousands of employers around the state have found success by using Jobs Express:

In New York City, businesses are listing more than 24,000 open positions on Jobs Express with the highest number of available jobs in the fields of: Management; Computer and Mathematical; Business and Financial Operations; Sales and Related positions; and Office, Clerical and Secretarial.
