Senator Tkaczyk Holds Ceremonial Swearing In to Thank Montgomery and Schenectady Supporters

Cecilia Tkaczyk

February 3, 2013

Congressman Tonko Administers Oath of Office

State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk joined dozens of friends and colleagues at Amsterdam City Hall for a ceremonial swearing-in to thank the many supporters from Montgomery and Schenectady Counties who made her a Senate victory a reality.

The oath of office was administered by Congressman Paul Tonko. Participants included Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, Montgomery County Democratic Chair, Bethany Schumann-McGhee, and Schenectady County Democratic Chair Brian Quail.

Tkaczyk was officially sworn in on the Senate floor on January 23, but said she wanted an opportunity to thank and celebrate with her friends and supporters in Schenectady and Montgomery Counties.

Tkaczyk vowed to work on behalf of all residents, regardless of political affiliation. She noted that her agenda was not dictated by party politics but by common sense:

“I believe it is common sense that all children in our state deserve a quality education - and that every school district, including those in rural areas and small cities, deserve their fair share of state aid… I believe it is common sense that women deserve equal rights, equal pay and equal access to quality health care and education…I believe it is common sense that we should be seeking initiatives that will grow our local economy without endangering our environment… And I believe that unless we change the rules on how campaigns are funded, people like me won't have a fair shot at getting elected. That's why I will be a strong advocate for real campaign finance reform and election reform to ensure fair elections.”

“Upstate New Yorkers have been crying out for common-sense solutions to the problems plaguing this region and state. I am honored to serve as the elected representative of the 46th Senate District, and will work tirelessly to continue to earn the trust the voters have placed in me,” Senator Tkaczyk concluded.