Tkaczyk Has Senate’s Best Score on Environmental Legislation

Cecilia Tkaczyk

October 10, 2013

State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk was given the highest score in the State Senate by Environmental Advocates of New York, in recognition of her strong record of sponsoring and supporting legislation to protect New York’s environment.

“I am very proud to have received a perfect score on environmental legislation,” Senator Tkaczyk said. “Protecting the State’s beautiful natural resources, as well as the health of our residents, is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly, and I thank EPL/Environmental Advocates for their recognition of my work in the Senate.”

Legislators’ scores are heavily influenced by their support for the Super Bills, the most pressing environmental priorities for New York.

This year, the environmental Super Bills included:

  • Child Safe Products Act:  Requires manufacturers of children’s products to disclose if their products contain dangerous chemicals.
  • Fracking Moratorium and Health Impacts Assessment: Directs New York State to conduct a comprehensive assessment of fracking’s public health impacts and ensures that no gas drilling permits will be issued prior to the final assessment.
  • New York Solar Bill: Establishes a 10-year, $1.5 billion incentive program which solidifies New York’s solar-energy commitment to spark private investment and bring more solar power to New York.
  • Climate Protection Act: Seeks to reduce the State’s greenhouse gas emissions.



EPL/Environmental Advocates was founded in 1969 as one of the first organizations in the nation to advocate for the future of a state’s environment and the health of its citizens.  It was one of the first organizations in the nation to advocate for the future of a state’s environment and the health of its citizens. EPL/Environmental Advocates has been New York’s environmental conscience by ensuring that environmental laws are enforced, that tough new measures are enacted when necessary, and that the public is informed of, and participates in, important environmental policy debates.



The EPL/Environmental Advocates 2013 Environmental Scorecard is the first and only record of New York State lawmakers’ votes on legislation that will impact the environment. The scorecard has been produced and distributed statewide for more than 40 years. For the complete Scorecard, visit
