Senate Passes Senator Fuschillo’s Resolution Honoring Seaford Eagle Scout

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

March 19, 2013

     Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) announced that the New York State Senate recently passed a legislative resolution he sponsored honoring Seaford resident Quentin Lettieri for attaining scouting’s highest honor: the rank of Eagle Scout.

     Quentin, a member of Troop 690 in Seaford, distinguished himself for the honor following years of community service, dedication to scouting, and hard work.

     Quentin also completed community service project which involved installing a sign at the Washington Avenue entrance of St. William the Abbot School in Seaford. For many years the school had wanted to put up a sign at the back of the school so those unfamiliar with the area would know exactly where the school was located. Quentin drew up plans for the project, helped raised funds to pay for the costs, and worked with his fellow scouts to install the sign and decorative landscaping.

     “Quentin should be very proud of his accomplishments. He is a dedicated young man whose commitment to his community and strong leadership qualities are an example for everyone to follow,” said Senator Fuschillo. “I congratulate him on this great achievement and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.”


Text of the legislative resolution:


Senate Resolution No. J659


BY: Senator Fuschillo


LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION congratulating Quentin E. Lettieri upon the occasion of receiving the distinguished rank of Eagle Scout, the most prestigious of Scouting honors

WHEREAS, Quentin E. Lettieri, through his diligence and rigorous efforts, has achieved Scouting's highest and most prestigious rank, Eagle Scout; he will be honored at an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony on Saturday, March 9, 2013, at St. William the Abbot School, Seaford, NewYork; and

WHEREAS, Quentin E. Lettieri is a member of Boy Scouts of America Troop 690 in Seaford; and

WHEREAS, America has achieved her greatest heights of glory through the dedication, determination and tireless efforts of the outstanding citizens of this Nation; and

WHEREAS, It is only with the continued diligence and devotion of our youth, tomorrow's leaders, that America will maintain her glory; and

WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America and its members are dedicated to the development of character and leadership in the youth of this Nation; and

WHEREAS, The highest achievement of leadership in Scouting, earned by only five percent of all Boy Scouts, is the distinguished rank of Eagle Scout; and

WHEREAS, This outstanding young man has been involved in Scouting for many years, has lived up to Scouting's ideals and has attained all of the necessary achievements, including completion of a community service project, which was successfully planned, developed and executed; and

WHEREAS, For his Eagle project, Quentin Lettieri undertook a project for the St. William the Abbot School (SWA), an elementary school in Seaford; and

WHEREAS, For many years the school had wanted to put up a sign at the Washington Avenue entrance to the back of the school so those unfamiliar with the area would know exactly where the school was located, so Quentin took on the task as his Eagle project; and

WHEREAS, Quentin Lettieri drew up some plans and presented them to the SWA School Board; the Board approved the plans and Quentin proceeded to raise funds for the project through a recycling campaign and to seek donations of supplies from vendors; and

WHEREAS, The sign was installed with the help of the SWA Fathers Club and, with the help of Quentin Lettieri's fellow scouts, a rock retaining wall was built and filled with topsoil and then shrubs and plants; solar lighting was also installed to illuminate the sign at night; and

WHEREAS, Quentin E. Lettieri's perseverance in rising through the ranks to Eagle Scout is a strong indication of his ability to master difficult tasks; his accomplishment will enable him to emerge as a leader, fully equipped to meet the challenges of today's complex society; and

WHEREAS, This new Eagle Scout is a credit to his family, his school, his community, his State and his Nation, and no doubt his future will be filled with accomplishments of equal importance; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations, in recognition of the significance of this meritorious achievement, to congratulate and honor Quentin E. Lettieri on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Quentin E. Lettieri.