Senator Fuschillo Congratulates Mepham Science Student on Being Named National Semi-Finalist in Intel Science Talent Search

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

February 26, 2013

             Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) recently congratulated Mepham High School science student Corey Wald on being named a national semi-finalist in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search.  

            “Through countless hours of hard work, study, and research, along with guidance from his teachers, Corey has earned a place among the nation’s top young scientists.  This is the first of what I’m sure will be many incredible achievements by an incredible young man. I congratulate Corey and wish him all the best in the future,” said Senator Fuschillo. 

            The Intel Science Talent Search is the nation’s most prestigious pre-college science competition.  Participants come from all across the country, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands to compete in the program. Corey is one of only 300 semifinalists chosen from entries nationwide. 

            In addition, Senator Fuschillo presented Corey with a copy of a legislative resolution which was recently passed by the Senate in honor of his accomplishment. With passage of the resolution, which Senator Fuschillo sponsored, Corey’s name and achievement will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.           

            Senator Fuschillo (second right) is pictured as he congratulates Corey Wald (center) on being named a semi-finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search. They are joined by (l-r) Assistant Principal Eric Caballero, Advanced Science Research Advisor Dr. David Kommor, and Principal Michael Harrington.

Text of the Legislative Resolution:

Senate Resolution No. 00290


        CONGRATULATING  Corey Wald of Wellington C. Mepham
        High School upon  the  occasion  of  being  named  a
        semifinalist in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to commend and pay
tribute  to  those  who,  by  achieving  outstanding  success  in  their
educational and scientific endeavors, have inspired and brought pride to
our majestic Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, It is also the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize
the dedication and  commitment  of  our  young  people  who  distinguish
themselves through excellence in science competition; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate  Corey  Wald  of  Wellington C. Mepham High School upon the
occasion of being named a semifinalist in the 2013 Intel Science  Talent
Search; and

  WHEREAS,  Once  known  as  the  Westinghouse  competition, the Intel
Science Talent Search is the oldest of its type in the  nation,  and  is
the country's most prestigious science scholarship competition; and

  WHEREAS, For more than 60 years, the Intel Science Talent Search has
recognized and rewarded the country's top young science students; and

  WHEREAS,  Over  the years, this competition has gained broad acclaim
in the  academic  and  scientific  communities;  educators,  scientists,
engineers   and   journalists   throughout   the   United   States  have
enthusiastically supported this annual event; and

  WHEREAS, Six former Intel Science  Talent  Search  competitors  have
gone on to win the prestigious Nobel Prize; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Intel  Science Talent Search was created to encourage
high school seniors who demonstrate exceptional ability in science, math
and engineering through individual research projects; and

  WHEREAS, Colleges and universities regard the Intel  Science  Talent
Search  semifinalist  award  to  be  evidence  of exceptional scientific
promise; and

  WHEREAS, Corey Wald, a senior at Wellington C. Mepham High School in
Bellmore, New York, was recently named  a  semifinalist  in  the  annual
Intel  Science  Talent Search which awards scholarships to recognize the
outstanding science research of high school seniors; and

  WHEREAS, Corey Wald's 2013 Intel Science Talent Search  project  was
entitled,  "The Sky's the Limit-An Investigation of Cloud Cover on Major
League Baseball Performance"; his research investigated  the  effect  of
cloud cover on player performance in Major League Baseball; and

  WHEREAS,  For  his  project,  Corey  Wald  obtained climate data and
player performance statistics for  the  MLB  East  over  the  past  five
seasons;  he  then statistically analyzed the data to see if there was a
relationship among several batter  and  pitcher  variables  and  percent
cloud cover during the game; and

  WHEREAS,  Corey  Wald's results indicated that increased cloud cover
tends to favor the batter; as cloud cover increased by 1%, the number of
strikeouts decreased by 0.008; additionally, as cloud  cover  increased,
the  trend  moved  toward a decrease in mean strikeouts, indicating that
low percent cloud cover appears to favor the pitcher; and

  WHEREAS, It is appropriate to celebrate and applaud  the  individual
accomplishments of remarkable students in this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate Corey
Wald  of  Wellington  C.  Mepham  High  School  upon the occasion of his
designation as a semifinalist in the 2013 Intel Science  Talent  Search,
and   for  his  noteworthy  educational  and  scientific  endeavors  and
achievements;  his  outstanding   performance   has   clearly   made   a
contribution  to  the  spirit  of excellence which is a tradition of his
school and community; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Corey  Wald  of  Wellington C. Mepham High School upon the
occasion of being named a semifinalist in the 2013 Intel Science  Talent
Search; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Corey Wald.