Senator Fuschillo: Measures to Help Prevent Gas Shortages During Declared Fuel Shortage Emergencies Included in State Budget

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

March 22, 2013

Budget Includes Provisions for Gas Stations to Purchase Generators or be Prewired to Receive a Generator

     Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) announced that the state budget will include measures to help prevent gas shortages during a declared energy or fuel shortage emergency.

     The budget makes provisions for federal grants for gas stations in key areas of Long Island, New York City, and Westchester and Rockland Counties to be wired to receive generators or purchase generators that will be used in the event of a declaration of an energy or fuel shortage emergency by the Governor, County Executive, of Mayor of New York City.

     “Providing funding to help gas stations in key areas prewire their stations to accommodate generators or purchase their own generators will help minimize service disruptions and ensure that fuel will be more accessible during a declared fuel shortage emergency,” said Senator Fuschillo, Chairman of the Senate’s Transportation Committee.

     All gas stations on Long Island, New York City, and Westchester and Rockland Counties located within a half-mile of either an evacuation route or a limited access highway exit (such as a parkway or expressway) will be required to be prewired to receive a generator in case of a declared energy or fuel shortage emergency. Funding will be provided to help gas stations offset the costs as follows:

     Independent gas stations:

     • $10,000 grant will be available to help offset the costs of prewiring the station so that it can receive a generator in an emergency. These stations will participate in a pool organized by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to access generators through a vendor in an emergency.

     • $13,000 grant for stations that install their own generator to help offset the costs.

     Independent gas stations will have until April 1, 2014 to comply with these requirements. In the event of an energy or fuel supply shortage emergency declaration by the Governor, the County Executive, or the Mayor of New York City, these stations will have to be operational within 24 hours, unless damage or flooding makes it physically impossible or unsafe to do so.

     Chain gas stations with more than 10 stores in a region:

     • All stations within the half-mile zone will receive the same grants as those offered to independent stations for purchasing a generator or prewiring the station to receive a generator. Stations that opt to prewire will also participate in the NYSERDA pool to access generators through a vendor in an emergency.

     • 30 percent of the chain’s stations which lie outside the half-mile zone will have to be prewired to receive a generator or have a generator on site. These stations will receive a $10,000 grant to offset the costs of either purchasing a generator or prewiring the station to receive one.

     Chain gas stations will have until August 1, 2015 to comply with these requirements. In the event of an energy or fuel supply shortage emergency declaration by the Governor, the County Executive, or the Mayor of New York City, these stations will have to be operational within 48 hours, unless damage or flooding makes it physically impossible or unsafe to do so.

     To help further prevent gas shortages, all newly constructed or rebuilt gas stations after April 1, 2014 throughout the state will have to be prewired to receive a generator.

     The measures are contingent on receiving funding from the federal government. Stations that will be affected by these requirements will be notified by NYSERDA.

     “On behalf of LIGRA members, I want to commend Long Island's delegation of New York State Senators for their diligence in pursuing a workable solution to challenge of ensuring an adequate supply and availability of gasoline and diesel fuel to emergency responders and the public in the aftermath of a major storm or power outage. By taking into consideration our industry's concerns and working with the Governor's office, a solution that works in everyone's best interest has evolved in an effective program that identifies gasoline service stations as located in key areas and provides them with financial assistance to equip them with emergency backup power. This will enhance efforts for the safe and orderly recovery from future large scale disasters and assure the public those potential disruptions in gasoline supplies and availability of product at the pump will be minimized. LIGRA appreciates the Senators' leadership on this issue and we look forward to our ongoing collaboration as we work together towards full implementation of the program,” said Kevin Beyer, President and CEO of the Long Island Gasoline Retailers Association.