Senator Fuschillo to Sponsor Free Prostate Cancer Psa Tests in Farmingdale

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

June 26, 2013

     Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick), in conjunction with the Integrated Medical Foundation, will be sponsoring a free prostate cancer PSA test program in Farmingdale. The free PSA blood tests will be provided on Tuesday, July 23rd between 4 pm and 6 pm at the East Farmingdale Fire Station, located at 930 Conklin Street in Farmingdale.

     The Integrated Medical Foundation’s guidelines for the program are as follows:

     • Open to all men between the ages of 40 and over who have not previously been diagnosed with prostate cancer, regardless of whether or not they have insurance;

     • Each patient will receive a free PSA blood test;

     • Men who will be participating in the program must bring a photo ID containing an address, such as a driver’s license;

     • Patients must bring a self addressed, stamped envelope to be notified of the PSA blood test results. Patients should also bring the name and address of their primary care physician if possible.

     Appointments are recommended but walk-ins will be accepted. Appointments for the free PSA blood tests will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Men who would like to schedule an appointment for a free prostate cancer PSA test should call Senator Fuschillo’s office at 516-882-0630.