Squadron Slams Senate Republicans for Blocking Bill to Make NY National Leader in Fight Against Citizens United

Squadron: In Aftermath of Scandals, Senate Should Be Ashamed To Block Campaign Finance Reform & Choose Corporate Special Interests Over People

ALBANY – Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron slammed Senate Republicans for blocking his campaign finance reform legislation that would make New York a national leader in the fight against the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision and give people, rather than corporations, a stronger voice in the political process.

The "Corporate Political Activity Accountability to Shareholders Act" (S177) would require shareholder approval for corporate political contributions, public disclosure of the contributions, and justification of the business rationale for making them.

This afternoon, the Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee again voted to prevent the legislation from moving out of committee. 

“Scandal after scandal makes clear that we need fundamental government reform -- including campaign finance reform and fair elections. Yet today, Senate Republicans again chose corporate interests over the interests of real people,” said Senator Squadron. “There's no question: unlimited corporate contributions are a threat to our democratic process. This bill would rein in unchecked political influence and bring desperately-needed transparency to the process -- a vital step toward countering the flood of corporate influence that washes away the voices of regular people. I urge my colleagues to stand up for people over corporations in our politics and move this bill forward."
